The Galaxy Hotel, Macau

The Galaxy resort is one of the most exclusive venues in the world’s gaming capital, Macau, where every year 36 million people chance their luck.

Interfloor was proud to be involved in this ambitious project, supplying 19,000 sqm of our Tredaire Xtra sponge rubber underlay for the 5-star hotel’s guest rooms and 4,000 sqm of our FR6 high density PU underlay for corridors.

Tredaire Xtra was specified for the guest rooms at design stage, as this type of sponge waffle helps to give a luxurious feel underfoot at a cost-effective price.

A lightweight alternative, FR6 was used in the corridors. The high-density PU composition is both light and durable with an End Use Classification (BS 5808: 1991: HC/U) Heavy Contract Use, perfect for coping with high footfall and wheeled baggage.

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